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OPCMIA Local 72

Member Information

Become A Member

OPCMIA Local 72 is actively recruiting apprentices and Journey Level Cement Masons to become a part of our team and work for any of our Signatory Contractors.

Becoming a member is a quick and easy process. Our members earn industry leading Career Wages and Benefits. Benefits include Health, Dental & Vision coverage for yourself and for your entire family with no added cost to you. Members also get a Pension Plan. Cement Masons & Plasterers with a verifiable 4800 hours of experience are able to join as Journey Level Cement Masons, those with less experience are invited to apply to the apprenticeship program, previous work experience may go toward their On The Job Training hours.

Come in and talk to the Business Manager Mike Wright of Eastern Washington (Area 3) or our Central Washington (Area2) Business Agent Jacob Bradley today and pick up an application. Applications can be obtained at either of our Union Hall locations listed on our contact page or in the link below.

For more information you may call Mike Wright @ 509-939-9424 or Jacob Bradley @ 509-546-1472

Why Should You Join The Union?

To start off, the Union belongs to its members which means you have a say in the way our organization operates. Our leaders are made up of your peers and elected from within our ranks. This means that your representatives understand the ins and outs of this trade and the issues that matter most to you as a member of OPCMIA Local 72 because they have been where you are and done the work as well.

Union members have the protection of a union contract with basic rights that include but are not limited to: Improved job conditions, the right to a fair hearing and the ability to speak out for yourself and fellow workers on work-related issues to name a few. Our representatives are committed to negotiating better wages, benefits and conditions for you as the member. They do this through collective bargaining of our own contracts. They are able to bargain and negotiate benefits like, health and welfare to protect you and your family when you are sick or injured, dental and vision benefits, a pension benefit to help you live out your golden years upon retirement & normal working hours, shift work, overtime and travel pay. We bargain for our members to have safer job conditions and enhanced health and safety programs that can help you prevent on-the-job injuries.

With the many OPCMIA Local Unions all over the United States and Canada you have the ability to move knowing there will be a union you can transfer or travel into for work that will also have your best interests.